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1 Resultado de traducción para lay out en español


lay out verb

unfavorite favorite
presentar, exponer; diseñar (el trazado de)

Ejemplos de uso de
lay out verb

  • She's been hired to lay out the election campaign.
  • The transatlantic balloonists laid out a backup plan in case of an emergency.
  • He laid out big bucks for a new lawnmower that runs by itself.

Sinónimos de
lay out verb

Sinónimos detallados para lay out verb

Ver: Spend

lay verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
laid, has laid, is laying, lays
poner, colocar; hacer; imponer

Ejemplos de uso de
lay verb

  • Lay the fabric carefully on the table.
  • He laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.
  • She laid the baby in his crib for a nap.
  • When will they lay the foundation for the addition?
  • He laid the newspaper on the desk.
  • lay tracks for the new railroad
  • They laid him in his grave.

Sinónimos de
lay verb

¿Cuándo se usa lay y cuándo lie?
  • No confundir lay (tiempo pasado: laid) con lie (tiempo pasado: lay). Ejemplo de lay > The mother laid the baby in the crib. Ejemplo de lie> > The baby lay in the
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Traducción inversa para lay out

presentar  - to present, to show, to offer, to give, to submit (a document), to launch (a product), to introduce (a person) 
exponer  - to lay out, to exhibit, to show, to display, to explain, to present, to set forth, to expose, to risk 
diseñar  (el trazado de) - to design, to plan, to lay out, to outline